Saturday, 21 February 2015

Evaluation - Question 2


  1. Hi Michael,
    • Some really good content but I am a very concerned with the lack of media techniques used here. A stipulation in the criteria is to use different styles, video, oral, use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.
    • I am very sure you can add to this to make it much stronger allowing you to reach mark band level 3/ level 4 (16-20 marks).
    • I will give formal feedback on each post over the next day or two.
    • Well done on handing in on time:)
    Mrs McD-H

  2. ok, i agree, i will improve the platform of the evaluation and make it a lot more visually pleasing

  3. Hi Michael, great news. I hope you find it easy. Please take a look at Connor and Liam's evaluations for more clarity in styles.
    Both are high standards in various areas - content and style.

    I look forward to seeing you new versions. Good luck.

    Mrs McD-H

  4. Still no changes Michael!
    • I do hope you realise that without changes your grades will possibly be lowered. • Please make a last ditch effort to develop the evaluations and add more content...come on you know you can do it!.

    Good luck

    Mrs McD-H
