Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Final Tour Poster Analysis and Comparison

I feel that this third tour poster is the most presentable and relatable to real professional tour posters. This poster uses imagery and important text together. Even though it has a very simple layout and design it is still really effective and does its job. I could compare this tour poster to real posters due to the layout and design. I feel that this is the most important aspect to allow for successful and useful tour poster. I also feel that the use of colour and text is important to rely the right vibe and the tour as a whole. Usually the colour scheme helps reveal the genre of the music and what the artists music may be like.

Final Tour Poster

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

My Music Video Analysis Presentation and EZvid Review


This is the link to the music video analysis presentation that i have created. I experimented with a new software called ezvid which allows you to easily record everything on your screen. I found this very useful to switch to footage of a music video when talking about it. I was also able to add slides of text and easily change or move them. Unfortunately because my microphone has broken i was unable to record my voice over and because of this i feel that my presentation does get quite boring at times, so next time i am definitely going to look into new ways i could make my presentation a lot more appealing and interactive.

Tour Poster 2 Analysis

As you can see i think the poster that is a lot more visually please is more effective to advertise a tour and that a poster that contains a lot of text is quite boring and plain. With images and a better layout it gives a more appealing approach to the tour and gives the audience a better idea of what the tour may be like. Although i really like how the text poster allows you to know everything about the tour but i still feel that it is more important to have a visually appealing poster.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

My Tour Poster 1 Analysis

I am happy with my tour poster that i have created, i feel that the greyscale black and white theme works really well and keeps everything tidy and neat. I can compare my poster top this one to the left as it focuses on the key artist and not information, i feel tis is a better way to address the audience and not fill it all with text. I feel that only key information should be used in the tour poster to get the audiences initial attention, i am going to make another tour poster to show how you can also get a tour poster with only text and is very informational about the tour. Even though most tour posters use mostly text i personally appreciate posters without a lot of text. I feel that the artistic and creative side of a poster if very underrated and people don't understand the impact that it has.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Image into Text

Because i am pretty familiar with photoshop i feel that this wasn't too difficult for me and i just need to find a way to have back up so that i remember how to do this. I find this really effective as i can go back here whenever i want to recap. I also find this technique useful in this such as posters and other advertising aspects of a tour or album etc.

My Music

A key part of how i get music is from itunes, i feel that the technology through music is getting better and better and even more accessible to a wider range of people. Itunes is getting more and more varied types of music and is constantly updated to all of the new releases. The main reason that i use i tunes is the great quality of it, i feel that the quality of music is very important to anyone that is passionate about the music they listen to. Hundreds of Thousands of songs are available in a huge range of genres which makes it easy for me to find the music i want very quickly. In the past month i have downloaded 3 albums and 2 singles straight from itunes, i hope this gives an image of how important music is too me. Itunes also has recommendations of songs and albums that you may like which is very useful for me as i always like to listen new music.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Green Screening

Green Screening

This was the first video that i watched when looking into green screening, i feel that this video was really useful as it shows you what green screening is and what it can be used to do. This video helps show the dos and donts  with green screening and really helps introduce someone to green screening and what it is. Even for people that are beginning to use green screening this can be very useful and teaches you some very significant things that you may miss.

Since i have never properly edited and tested with green screening before i was quite unfamiliar with this although i know have a better understanding of methods and precautions i must consider in the future. I have also become apparent to all of the other aspects of a green screen that i didn't know before. Firstly, i never knew that the lighting of a green screen was so effective and important for your shot , also i am now aware of the different types of green screen such as paint etc.

I feel that this second video is a lot more advanced and goes into much more detail than the other video. Also this video also helps new independent and aspiring filmmakers find alternative and cheaper equipment that they could use. This video also mentions the editing of green screening which is something that the other video didn't mention and i felt that it was quite important. In general i feel  that both of these videos have helped me get a better understanding of green screening and even some of the more advanced things that should be considered.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Key Terms

Zoom In
A zoom in could be used to show something significant or to allow something to stand out to the audience. For example a zoom in could be used on someones face for dramatic effect. On a camera it is called w/t for wide and tight.

Zoom Out
A zoom out usually introduces new characters to a scene or can be used to make someone feel isolated and alone. An example is when you zoom out of a room to reveal other characters.

A tracking shot is when the camera is on a track and used to normally follow a character smoothly and consistent. In my music video i could use a skateboard for a tracking type of shot.

A pan is usually used to follow a character when moving or to show an environment. For example, if a character was to walk around a house a pan would be most likely used, A pan also goes from side to side.

Whip Pan
A whip pan is a quicker version of a pan and would move much faster. A pan could be used to follow someone that is running, they are very useful in action scenes.

An arc is a shot that arcs over a character or scene. It could be used in a scene with a lot of people. It is used a lot to show depth of field and is usually used to semi circle around a character.

Crane Shot
A crane shot is a shot above the characters or scene from an aerial view. This specific shot requires a crew and a lot of health and safety. You could also get a tracking crane shot. For my video i could possibly use a pole.

A steadicam is when the camera is attached to someone as a vest and is used in a lot of action scenes. A steadicam camera man usually has to walk backwards and is guided by a crew.

Aerial Shot
An aerial shot allows for a shot from the sky and is usually used as a establishing shot to set a scene or reveal the environment.

Handheld Camera
A handheld camera is used to give a more realistic approach to movies. It is used a lot in horror movies to enhance the realism. Films such as clover field and paranormal activity use this technique.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

My reflection and Opinion on 4 Varied Music Videos

When give the task to find 4 interesting and unique music videos i already had a couple in mind. Music videos that are out of the norm and experiment with new things and themes really interest me. As i am looking into more unique music videos i though of the song " Scientist" by Cold play. This music video uses a very interesting dynamic structure. It is set in slow motion and in reverse although the main character remains in the normal motion. The slow pacing and theme throughout the music video reflects the music as a whole and portrays a calm and relaxing vibe. In the video the artist is always looking at the camera directing his music towards the viewer and targeting his audience. This style of music video is also show in the music video of "Lost and Not found" by Chase and Status. This music video uses a very similar technique in the way that it is in slow motion but instead of following a specific character it pans around a location which relates to the title lost and not found as in the music video we are looking for a kidnapped girl. The third music video that i thought was rather appealing was "Spaceman" by the Killers. This music video is really different and unique, i don't really understand it which makes me even more interested. In the music video we see the camera follow the lead singer from the killers who is wearing a strange costume around a carousel. Again in this music video the camera is panning/following a specific character or place. I feel that this type of technique is really useful as it gives the audience a sense of  the environment and gives the audience a better understanding of the meaning behind the video. For my final music video i choose "Final Masquerade" by Linkin Park. Music videos that i don't understand are more interesting to me than the ones that i do, i feel that they have a hidden agenda and a much more personal touch not only from the song or artist by also by the director. This music video uses a very dark and deep coloured theme and portrays a very emotional and connective reflection between the audience and the music video.

Lost and Not Found:



Final Masquerade:

Friday, 5 September 2014

My AS level Coursework Comparison

Overall in AS level i achieved a D grading in media studies. In this blog i am going to review and analyse what went wrong for me. In my coursework i got an E overall so i would like to really step it up and improve it. I have decided to compare my coursework which got a E to Lewis Webster who had got an A in his coursework. After looking throughout my and his blog i have noticed a large lack of professionalism and organisation, going back this has got to be something i am going to improve. Also the software to document and display his work was a lot better and modern compared to mine, making his work a lot more visually pleasing. My final magazine was properly my weakest point within my coursework and compared to the A standard from lewis webster, my magazine is quite embarrassing.
If i was to go back and improve my coursework from AS level the first things i would change would be the final magazine i had produced and my final evaluation. My evaluation was extremely simple and didn't use any advanced programmes to well document and reflect my experiences and what i have learnt through the year. I would generally go back and refresh my entire blog to make it a lot more descriptive and presentable.